City of Cranbrook

Estimated Tax Impact

Please enter your address using your property number and street name.

If you live on an avenue, please use AVE; if you live on a street, please use ST. If your address is north, use N. Please use all caps and do not use punctuation when typing your address.

(Examples: 125 13TH ST S or 1354B 4TH AVE N or 516 OAK DR)

*Disclaimer – the figures presented by the app only reflect the estimated tax increase on your property as a result of the actual borrowing. Debt servicing costs will not begin until the 2018 budget year, so residents will not see the tax impact of the borrowing until then. Property taxes may fluctuate as a result of individual property assessments through BC Assessment and/or the tax rate determined by Council through the 2018 budget process. As such, your individual property taxes may vary from what is presented above.

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